Surya Sanjay

Senior at the University of Michigan

A picture of me taken at an entrance to the Law Quad on the 24th of April, 2024. Not pictured: my coat, which would’ve helped me bear the unusually cold and windy weather that day. Surya

I’m an aspiring surgeon-scientist, a historical Dravidian linguist, and an amateur coder and photographer. I study Biology, Health, & Society at the University of Michigan, and after I graduate in 2025, I will be completing a master’s degree in Bioinformatics.

I’m part of the Cardio Biomechanics Lab, where I study hemodynamics in the aorta following surgical intervention. I’m also affiliated with the Computational Biomedical Physics Lab at Wayne State University, where I use molecular dynamics simulation to study the structure of the prion protein. In addition, I run a research group called DravLing, which focuses on historical Dravidian linguistics, the study of the structure of languages in southern India.

Find me on GitHub, Google Scholar, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can also reach me at my email.


Blog · Last Updated: 4 July 2024
Projects · Last Updated: 22 May 2024
Photography · Last Updated: 4 July 2024


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